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Moving In Bad Weather…

Don’t Be Gloomy About Moving in Bad Weather
It’s moving day! Everything is packed, the truck is parked outside, and despite your prayers for sunshine the weather forecast is coming true—a storm is brewing, prompting worries of soaked boxes and ruined furniture. Moving in bad weather doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Remember, this is our lively hood. Remember, this is what we do for a living 14 hours a day 364 days out of the year. Weather has not and can not stop us. You have people the day before you and the day after you that have requested our services as well. If you have to move when it’s raining, snowing, or windy, we follow these tips to protect belongings (and your sanity). We shrink wrap and pad wrap all furniture completely. We use runners and booty’s when needed. Even though it is unnecessary, If you want to be extra cautious, put a rag in your back pocket and hunt for any water spots as furniture is unwrapped at the destination. Sorry folks, it regretfully rains every day in the summer months in Florida. The good thing is that in most cases and places, it only lasts 20 minutes.